Ron Norwood

I am a passionate leader with deep ties to working in non-profit community development, youth capacity building and the social planning sector. As a burgeoning youth leader native to Detroit, I am committed to a holistic neighborhood approach that enriches and strengthens resident’s capacity in the city. It is a privilege to be able to promote the economic upward mobility of Detroiters with my work.

I work as a career coach for Matrix Human Service, a century old community hub where I help returning citizens obtain employment and other wraparound services. Over the past few years I have embarked on new endeavors to start my own business focusing on  youth development and cultural tours. I have taken the liberty to expose the world to Detroit through the lens of art, culture and social awareness on bike tours around Detroit. I soon began to harness my passion for male mentoring and was curator of a Boys breakfast club through the Live6 organization. These opportunities have opened doors for me to expand my work in the Osborn Community where I also work as an independent contractor for the city of Detroit as a youth engagement specialist. I enjoy being a participant in a Fellowship called Humanity in Action where we are working to redevelop brownfield sites into a green oasis by healing the grounds.

 We are cultivating the next vanguard of leadership by engaging the youth with activities that will allow them to become an invaluable asset to the community and adopting the long neglected concerns of residents.


Roozbeh Kholdani


Jordan Yagiela